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September 29, 2015
5 Hacks for Your Next Camping Trip Near Bel Air, MD
Now that the weather’s cooling down, it’s the perfect time to go car camping!
Enclave at Box Hill is surrounded by beautiful greenery and trails that are perfect for leisurely strolls. Take it a step further and enjoy a weekend of easy camping (read: not in the wilderness) with friends or family close to Bel Air, MD. To make your weekend of nature fun even better, we’ve compiled a list of five smart camping hacks for you to employ on your next camping trip near Bel Air, MD. (Or wherever you are in Maryland.)
Just start planning your trip on Camp Grounds Local, reserve your campsite (don’t forget to read the rules), and be on your way.
Yoga mats do double duty
Don’t waste money on a sleeping pad, just layer your trusty yoga mat underneath your sleeping bag. It won’t accomplish any miracles, but it will add a little more cushion. You’re only there for the weekend, so you can look forward to returning to your cloud-like bed soon enough!
Buy an easy-to-set-up tent
Speaking of your sleeping situation, if you have more than three people, it’s going to be tough to sleep in the back of your crossover! Typical tents are a hassle to set up, but you’re smarter than that. Start out by purchasing a tent that’s easy to set up, such as a Coleman Instant Tent, or this blow-up tent from Heim Planet.
Use ice cream cones for smores
If you’re a s’mores purist, you can skip this one. For the rest of us, this is a genius hack that’s guaranteed to lessen the loss of gooey marshmallows. Just pick up your favorite sugar cones, fill them with all of the chocolate and marshmallows you can, wrap them in foil, and roast them over the fire like less-healthy versions of grilled corn. Hint: this is a trick you can take back home and use in your Bel Air apartment fireplace. And if you chose an apartment with a woodland view, you’ll feel even more like you’re camping!
Put sage in your campfire to repel mosquitos
This is one you’ll thank us for later. Get your hands on a bundle of sage, and periodically throw it in your campfire to keep the annoying buzzy biting population at bay.
Follow this guide to pack a perfect cooler
There’s really no such thing as too little food, even on a weekend camping trip. The grocery shopping part is easy enough, and you might already have a handy cooking set just for camping. Our advice? Go simple, and follow the linked guide (from Food Should Taste Good) to packing a perfect cooler.
When the weekend draws to a close, there’s nothing better than knowing your cozy apartment in Bel Air, MD is waiting for you. Want to move into one of the best neighborhoods in Maryland? Get in touch with us today to learn more about leasing at Enclave at Box Hill.
Image source: Flickr via amalakar
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